Friday, January 20, 2012

43 confessions.

So, my friends apparently think I'm interesting enough for fourtyfuckingthree facts.

1. Officially, my name's Rebecca. I have a plethora of nicknames, and I don't really care what you call me. EXCEPT FOR BECKY. That's not okay. I don't care who you are. Don't.

2. I apparently have unnaturally tiny feet for an 18 year old. I think size seven is fine. But yet, I get a lot of shit for it. I'd rather have small feet than big feet though. ^_^

3. I'm obsessed with memes and rage comics. I speak meme far more than you'll probably be comfortable with. Sometimes Mikey and I have full conversations of just sending each other pictures of memes. Kelson and I have full conversations in person speaking in meme. We're fucking cool.

4. Generally, I hate girls. A lot. I have very few girls that I'm actually close to, but the ones that have proven themselves AWESOME, I couldn't imagine life without. Most of my friends are guys, and I would much rather sit around and bullshit with my guys than go shopping and do girly things with my girl friends. Rachel and Dana are awesome in this aspect because them and I can have fun and fuck shit up doing anything.

5. I've had the same best friend since I was five, and Levi Jeffrey Estrada is my everything. It's been almost fourteen years, and he's been my rock, my superman, my everything. I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for him. Because of him, (and all my other gay/lesbian/bi friends, but mostly him) I won't tolerate homophobes in my life. I don't care who you are, you gotta get along with Levi to be in my life. Him and I are pretty much a package deal, and if anyone hates on him, they're out.

6. I dye my hair, a lot. It's not fried, and it's not falling out. I dye it different every two months or so. Your hair being fried and falling out has nothing to do with dying it, it's everything to do with how well you take care of it. And I take care of it.

7. I let my nose piercing close up in exchange for tattoos. (Old deal I made with my mom.) So, now I only have my ears and bellybutton pierced. I miss my nose ring, but I was always losing the jewlery and having to repierce it, and I don't have the patience for that anymore.

8. My family is the shit. My mom, grandparents and aunt and uncle mean the world to me. And I couldn't imagine life without them. That's why I'm not moving out of Fallbrook, even though Ifuckinghatethisplace.

9. I wanna go back to Lewistown, really fucking bad. I explained this in the 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' post.

10. I like a guy. I'm not telling anyone details about him yet, except Rachel and Kayla, because I don't want to jinx it. But I'm very much intrigued by this boy, and I think things might work out. ;) (None of you know him, so don't make assumptions.) Buuuut, he's sexy as hell, fun to talk to, and sort of mysterious, in that sexy sort of way. :))

11. Sports bore me, mainly. I'll watch football. I won't understand it, but I'll watch it. BOBCATS.<3 Fuckthegriz. (;

12. I listen to basically any and all music. I like Justin Bieber, and I like Marilyn Manson. I don't really have a favorite genre. Otep, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and Taking Back Sunday are my all-time favorites. I'm also particularly fond of Anti-Flag and Falling In Reverse.

13. My celeb crush is Machine Gun Kelly. <3 (White boy rapper, not the old time gangster.) Also Chris #2 from Anti-Flag. Ronnie Radke is a sexy motherfucker also. Clearly, I like boys with tattoos.

14. I'm afraid of other peoples driving. I'm okay if I'm driving. I'm okay if Rachel's driving. I'm okay with my family's driving. But get me in the car with anyone else, I'm generally getting panic attacks. I don't like it. Most people I know drive like fucking assholes. I don't like it when I'm not in control. I don't like driving reckless. I used to love being a passenger in a car driving reckless, seatbelt off. But ever since my sisters accident, I'm terrified. My seatbelt is always on, and I always do either the speedlimit or five over. Nothing more. I drive pretty safe. I roadrage, but I'm not reckless. And it scares the shit out of me when other people are. About a month ago, I went to my friend Rachel's photoshoot on Palomar Mountain. We went about half way up the mountain, and then met up with her friends Stretch and Hector. Stretch drove us the rest of the way, and sped and all around drove like an asshole up the mountain and then back down. The whole time and the rest of the day, I had panic attacks. I will never get in the car with him again, unless I'm driving.

15. It annoys me when people yell at me for things they see on my blog. I don't care if you don't like what I post here. I don't blog for you. Grow some balls, and quit your whining over words.

16. I say 'Cool Story Bro' LOTS. That doesn't mean that I don't care what you're saying. (Though sometimes it does.) it just means that I'm a sarcastic asshole.

17. In a few days, I'll be one year sober. I initially did it so I didn't die. Now, I do it because I'm better than that. I'm proud of me. My mom's proud of me. So many fucking people are proud of me, when they used to be disappointed in me. Having people you love be disappointed in you is the worst feeling ever. Having them be proud of you is the best feeling ever.

18. When people hear about mine and Jacc's "child", they think we have an actual child. Which isn't the case. Our "Children" are Meth the stuffed Lemur, and Philangies the stuffed panda. I don't actually have kids, and neither does he.

19. This sort of goes with number 18, but not really. A lot of people in town don't seem to like that Jacc and I are such good friends. We give zero fucks. For the last four years, Jacc has stuck by my side and been there for me through everything. All the good, all the bad, he's been there for it and he knows it all about me, and he still chooses to be my bestfriend. I will NOT abandon him just because other people don't like our friendship. This kid means the world to me, and FUCK whoever doesn't think he should. You don't know him the way I do. A few months back, there was an incident with a lot of misunderstandings. After that happened, I got told that I need to (not should, NEED) to give up on him and move on with my life, and then it was followed up with a slew of insults about him, then the person telling me these things threatened to kick his ass and then broke up with me because I wouldn't turn my back on my best friend. The incident that happened, didn't even have anything to do with me. Yet, I had multiple people tell me to turn my back on him. I refused, and in turn lost a few friends. And to be honest, it was worth it to me.

20. I pretty much always have a hoodie on. And just about none of them originated as mine. I tend to collect hoodies from other people. That's the fastest way to make me happy. Give me one of your old pullover hoodies. NOT A BRAND NEW ONE. One that you have memories in. There's no expressing how much that means to me, and how happy that makes me.

21. I'm incredibly fascinated by the paranormal. I get a raging metaphorical hard on for ghosts and haunted places.

22. My religious beliefs are really complicated. That's a blog post for another day, but basically I don't belong to any particular religion.

23. It pisses me off when people say "Fuck the police." I like the police. Sure, some are cunts and they're into brutality. But there are cunts in any line of work. And usually the people who say "Fuck the police" are the idiots who can't keep their asses off drugs, out of gangs and doing legal things.

24. When I hear people say "swag" or "dank" I mentally stab them.

25. I have a rather foul mouth. But I know how to behave myself in public. . . when I so choose.

26. My life has no career goal anymore. I'm really into psychology, law, and helping people. Maybe I'll figure something out that goes with those.

27. Funfetti is the best cake ever. No exceptions.

28. When I'm upset, talking to me is like talking to a brick wall, door, pile of rocks (I've heard all of the above. Pick your favorite.)

29. Untitled by Simple Plan and Who You'd Be Today by Kenny Chesney are the worst songs to hear when I'm having a Missing-Kenzie-Bad day. My iPod plays those the most those days, because technology hates me.

30. My happy place is in the mountains. Any one will do. But I absolutely love-love-LOVE the feeling of being on top of the world.

31. I drive a slugbug, and when people punch me and say "BLUE ONE!" I hit back. You cannot hit me for my car. AGAINST THE FUCKING RULES, DICKWEEDS.

32. I bitch about it everytime it breaks, but I freaking love my car. His name is Winston, and he has a buttcrack. <3

33. My grandparents are a lot more fun to hang out with than 99% of the people in the town I live in. I'd rather spend my time hanging out with them or my mommy than out partying. Maybe that makes me a loser in the Fallbrook Kid books, but I appreciate my family while I still have them. <3

34. Hugs make me happy. Big, long, bear hugs. Not that one armed, two second bullshit.

35. I firmly believe that Jesus was the first zombie, and whenever people tell me zombies don't exist, that's my argument.

36. I have stickers on my dashboard, and buttons on the roof of my car. I also have red fuzzy handcuffs hanging from my rearview mirror. I fucking love it.

37. Mooses, llamas and squirrels are my favorite animals. One day I wanna own a zoo.

38. The Golden Girls is my favorite show. I love those ladies, especially Betty White.

39. I believe that the meaning of life is to give life meaning.

40. I laugh a lot, and at a lot of things that most people don't find funny. But puns get me.

41. When I see bugs, I run away screaming like a little girl and beg other people to kill them.

42. I have an iPhone, and I'm in a constant battle with autocorrect. There's a whole album dedicated to it on my Facebook.

43. I'm totally flattered that people think I'm interesting enough for 43 facts. But I'm done. >:D

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoy your blogs. Also. Betty White is the shit. And the game :)
