Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Date a girl who writes.

I stole this from my sister. Kind of. She emailed it to me. It's all sooooo very true.

Date a girl who writes. She's the one writing random thoughs away, weaving each sentence, phrase and word together to create a masterpiece from the heart.

Date a girl who writes. The girl who can understand the reason why you are who you are because she can think critically, the same girl who can easily forgive you when you fail her and at the end of the day, she still loves you no matter what.

She's always looked for the page-turner, and she chose you which means you must be quite exciting.

The girl who writes is a wonderful story-teller. She'll write about your love, she'll write about you every single day, and of course she'll write to you and make your heart melt with every thing she has to say.

The storyline will never have to end. She will write all the sequels that keep your love breathing. And just so that you remember all the things you love about her, she'll make sure to include prequels and all those in between.

In the fairy tale that is your life together, she will always make you prince charming, and happily ever after is a guarantee.

Date a girl who writes because she understands the value of word choice, and will mean everything she says to you.

Her writing also holds all the heartache she's been through but depite the tears a girl who writes knows how to use the magic of positive scripting.

Date a girl who writes because you will realize that her writing is pushing her to take a great risk of exposing and baring her soul and heart, piece by piece, fragment by fragment, to differing opinions and views.

It might appear difficult to date a girl who writes because of her unpredicitable nature, varied taste, and wide range of experiences that she's exposing herself into, but I'll tell you, she's one of the persons who are easy to be pleased and stimulated. Present to her a bouquet of inexpensive flowers and her blush would be priceless because you bought it with her in mind.

Date a girl who writes because she will be able to recall in detail the dialog between you two, and wihle it gets you in trouble, it's endearing and sweet at the same time that she remembers. This also forces you to choose your words carefully and you will become an expert in diction.

A girl who writes loves all the layers of you, all the deep parts and even the shallow. When you're acting like the villain, she will see the goodness in you. When you are the hero, she'll still secretly admire your flaws. All the depths of you become her big adventure.

She'll write you emails because the laptop is her friend, but prefers to show you how she cares by painstakingly writing you pages upon pages of letters when you two are separated.

Sex is like a dirty, raunchy romantic novel you don't dare read in public.

Date a girl who writes because she will spend her life coming up with a thousand different ways to tell you how incredible you are as she is not fond of repetition. But the words she will wear out are "I love you," because even she knows there is no better substitute for them in the history of writing.

Date a girl who writes because you will be her muse, her inspiration. Without you, she will have writer's block. Or write the greatest tragedy since Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Either way, you are the love she will always write.

Don't lie to her because she knows. She can see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice, sense it in your energy field. She pays attention to every detail of your every word and if you're not careful she'll ask the question that strips your lie away and you'll be humiliated. So tell the damn truth.

When something is wrong, you may as well tell her because otherwise she'll jump to the most absurd, most outlandish, most creative but ridiculous possibilities anyone could ever come up with. When the truth comes out and she tells you what she though, you'll remind her she's crazy, and she'll remind you that she knows this and you'll both laugh and hug and go on with life.

If you find out she's upset, don't ask her why, just let her cry until she hands you her most recent writing and goes to stand by the window until you finish reading her most entry. She could never tell you what was wrong with her moth because her soul is in her hands. Once you read that entry, skip back to find the parts about you.

Date a girl who writes, she loves your imperfections. She sees everything in a different light and appreciates every bit of you. Because you as a whole is all that is perfect to her.

A girl who writes can multitask. She can talk, text, blog and tweet all at the same time. Despite the fact that she may look preoccupied, you're the only one who holds her heart.

Date a girl who writes, you deserve all the love in the world and she is more than willing to give that love to you.

And finally, you must date a girl who writes because it is she who will allow you to live forever. She will make sure that you never grow old nor die no disappear. Through her writing, she is the one who ensures your immorality, your permanent mark upon this world

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