Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Home is where the heart is.

I only lived in Lewistown, Montana for eleven and a half months. But still to this day, it feels a lot more like home than Fallbrook - the place I was born and raised.

Lewistown was kind of one of those "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" kind of situations. I will admit that I did say I wanted to come back here a lot. And I did, but not for the reasons you all think. I wanted to come back here, because here, my family was whole. And by that I mean my mom, stepdad and two stepbrothers. Sure, we had our differences and our fights every now and then. (Okay, quite a bit.) But not nearly as bad as it was when I lived in Montana. In Lewistown, everything fell apart. Being at my house generally meant being in a war zone. Rather it was my mom and my stepdad fighting, my stepdad and I fighting, my younger stepbrother and I fighting, my stepdad and my younger stepbrother fighting, my mom and my younger stepbrother fighting (my older brother really never fought anyone.) someone was ALWAYS fighting in the house. There was either a fight or an awkward silence ringing throughout the house.

I got tired of that. I hated that. When the snow was falling, I got a lot more depressed. I'm used to constant sunshine. I didn't really see much sunshine, and that put a major damper on my moods. It also didn't help that snow meant I was at home a lot more because anything below 60 degrees is too damn cold for a native Californian. In fact, John made fun of me one day at the end of the summer that I moved there because it was 90 degrees and I was wearing a hoodie. (Haters gon' hate.)

However, there's a lot of things I LOVED about Lewistown. And the reasons I really want to go back there for a little while.

-The people. 95% of my friends live there. Some of the best people I've ever met in my entire LIFE, I met at Fergus High.

-Safety. I know, I know. Every house has like ten guns per person. But unlike the people here, they don't use them to shoot people just because they're white. Or even just because they feel like it. It's safe to walk the streets at night by yourself. It's safe to leave your doors and windows open and unlocked, same with your car. It's safe to walk on ANY DAMN STREET YOU PLEASE. There's no gang fights, no stabbings, none of the bullshit we have here. I miss the safety.

- The food. Nothing in the world is better than the beer battered fries at Harry's Place. (Especially when Jack Melvin was working.) The mango smoothies at The Rising Trout made my life a lot better. LBM pizza is the best pizza of all time. Fergus High cafeteria ladies make the most delicious sugar cookies. The 4 Aces BLTs are to die for. You get the point. They have good food. :D

- The Scenery. I really miss Spring Creek. (CREEK. Not CRICK.;)) Here in Fallbrook, we have Shit Creek. I'll give you three guesses how it got it's name. They have trees, we have buildings. They have nature, we have cement and asphalt. They have open highways, we have congested freeways. There's a mural on the side of their Albertsons. No graffiti. Here? You have a wall, you bet your ass it'll be covered in graffiti within a year. NOTHING stays nice here. Our murals get graffiti'd, our statues get stolen, all the attempts to make this town a little nicer get defaced and ruined. Brewery Flats was my favorite place in town. We have nothing like that here.

- The teachers. Granted, I'm not in high school anymore. But in my one year at Fergus, I learned more than my three years at Fallbrook schools combined.

However, there are some things I don't miss.

  1. Snow.
  2. Cold.
  3. Snow.
  4. Walmart being so far away.
  5. Snow.
  6. Dead animals everywhere.
  7. Snow.
  8. Being so far away from my grandparents.
  9. Snow.
  10. Sleet and especially black ice.
  11. Snow.
  12. Violent hail storms.
  13. Snow.
  14. Scary basements.
  15. Snow.

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