Sunday, May 13, 2012

I'm not a fucking taxi.

Ever since I got my license, people seem to think this means my car has become a taxi. NOPE. NOPE IT HAS NOT.

I'm sorry for any misunderstandings, but I am not a taxi driver nor a chauffeur. I could not give a fuck less how you get from point A to point B. this is not my concern, unless you pay for gas.

Today, I'm pissed.

Kelson and Tori are boning, and I seem to look like a taxi driver to them. All they fucking do is use me to get kelson to tori and back home again, then the whole time complain I'm a cock block.

Yknow what guys? FUCK YOU. This is such bullshit you do this to me, and this is the LAST time it will happen. I know I'm supposed to be keeping your relations relatively secret, but you're also supposed to have at least an ounce of respect for me too. And since you're not holding up your end, this is me not holding up mine.

Kelson, this is to be expected of you.

But Tori? This is crap. You call me your "best friend". But you don't treat me like one. When I try to talk to you about stuff, you one word me or change the subject. Yet, I listen to you when you're having problems. And all I get in return is used. Thanks.

It's NEVER "let's you and I hang out." it's always "you me and kelson." and don't get me wrong, I like kelson. But it's shitty of you guys to do this. You make me feel like a 3rd wheel or you straight up say I'm being a cock block.

Last week we made plans. It was gonna be the three of us and Cody. Cody ended up not being able to crash here, so we changed it. Jesse was going to join us. About a few hours later, he bailed. Then ever since you guys have made it ever so obvious that my presence is unwanted.

It even went so far as you invited over some fifteen year old kid I'VE NEVER MET, clearly implanted some idea in his head that something was going to happen. I know you guys think I'm "hopeless" because I haven't gotten laid in a long time. That does NOT in ANY FUCKING WAY mean I want you to pity hook me up with FIFTEEN YEAR OLDS. Do you not fucking realize that I'm NINETEEN?!

I'm so over this crap. So damn over it.

This was inspired by those two, but this is really a message to everyone. I AM NOT A MOTHERFUCKING TAXI.

If you want a ride somewhere, GIVE ME GAS MONEY. Like, I don't mind giving rides if you give me adequate gas money.

So next time, Kelson and Tori, don't invite me to spend the night. Just ask me for a ride, hand over gas money, and you don't have to worry about me being a "cock block." Kay? Kay.

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