Thursday, June 28, 2012


My parents divorce is finally final, and to be honest, I don't really know how I feel about that. I'm split 95/5.

The 95% side is stoked. Living with my stepdad was a constant fight. Especially for the last year we were all together. My mom and I endured so much emotional and verbal abuse, it's ridiculous. He damaged my self esteem and destroyed my moms. I dislike him for what he did to me, but I have a never ending hatred for what he did to my mom. For my midterm I had to write a murder story. I killed him. And you know what? I loved every second of writing it, and I'm SO proud of the paper. It's the best thing I've ever written. (If you want to read it, send me your e-mail, and I'll send it to you.) Anyway, I'm happy he's gone. My mom's a much better person without him. Her and I's relationship is so much stronger, and he's not constantly putting her on edge and making her hard to live with. He may have hurt her bad, but it's done now. We've been putting our lives back together, and we're okay on our own. Sure, we may not have as much money as we did & it's harder to pay bills. But was the money really worth the instability, the verbal abuse, the hostility, the heartache, the constant war? NO. You can have all the money in the world, but without a family that you love and loves you, you've got nothing. Mom and I may not have it all, but we have each other. And that's more than what we had when he was around.

5% misses my family being together, but that's only because sometimes I miss the person I used to call my brother, and I miss living in Lewistown.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fuck yes peanut butter ice cream.

I motherfucking love peanut butter ice cream, guys. Seriously. <333

Alright, but really. Down to buisness. 

Two fucking weeks ago, my best friend, Rachel, guest blogged. For some strange reason, this is STILL causing controversy from Tori's (the girl bitched about) friends. Alright, you know who was directly involved? Me, Tori, Kelson, Mikey and Rachel. Mikey because Tori was leading him on while fucking Kelson, and Rachel because I had been telling her everything as it happened. She knows better than ALL the rest of you, previous people excluded. Unless you're one of the people mentioned already, shut up. Honestly. It's done and over with. Tori and I haven't spoken since mothers day. Nor have Tori and Kelson. Mikey is obviously over it as he is DATING Tori now. None of the people involved fucking care anymore.WHY SHOULD ANYONE ELSE? And yet, people are still trying to talk to me about it! Will you all just stop? I genuinely do not care to be friends with Tori or Mikey anymore. Tori uses people to get what she wants and Mikey is a hypocrite and a liar. I don't care about your opinion on the matter. I do not care to discuss it with you. It's done and it's over with. 

Furthermore, when someone else says something, I'm not responsible. Jacc tried to bitch to me about things Rachel said. I'm just going to stop right here and point out that Rachel's in fact a grown adult and can say and do as she pleases. If you have a problem with what SHE says, telling ME won't get you anywhere.

Another thing causing problems is my friendship with Shannen. Yes, we hated each other, now we're friends. Get over it.