Monday, February 13, 2012

I just got my life saved by a ghost, nbd.

Okay, so this might sound crazy to some of you, because I still can barely believe it happened myself.

So there's about two or three miles of palm trees right before my work. They're all lined up on the side of the road, and it's pretty. About a month ago, a marine and his wife were driving down that stretch. He lost control of his car and they crashed into one of the palm trees. The tree cut him in half and he obviously died. I don't know what ended up happening to his wife. No matter how many times I google it, I can't find anything out.

There's a bunch of trees and basically it goes like this; |||||| | |||||||
Those lines obviously being trees, there's the first row, big gap, loner tree, big gap, row. The very first tree in the second row is where he died. The one I made red.

Every day going to work and coming home, I drive past this tree. And anytime I drive past the tree, I pray for the guy. I pray that him and his family are okay and that they find peace. I don't know his name, I don't know anything about this man except for how he died. But I pray for him two times a day, every day.

I have a headcold. My head's all stuffy, and I'm talking like a stuffed up Darth Vader and I'm coughing a lot.

Tonight at 5:26, I coughed. Immediately after, I heard a man's voice in my head saying, "Rebecca, you need to go home now." And (in my head) I'm like, "No, I'm fine. I need to stay at work." and the man's like "Rebecca, NOW." I need the money, so I ignore it.

At 5:28pm, I cough again. My manager calls me over, and she tells me I need to go home. So I'm like WTF is this bitch in my head. And I tell her that I'm fine. And she said I'm coughing too much to stay, and I need to go. So I'm like, okay, and I leave.

On my way home, as I do every night, as soon as that tree is in my line of sight, I start praying for the man. As I pass it, I can see out of the corner of my eye, a man standing there watching my car. That's not an area where people ever stand. On the other side of those trees is a field that helicopters use to practice landing. So, it isn't really pedestrian friendly. I look in my rear view mirror, and the man is gone. There's absolutely nowhere this man could have gone that quickly.

As soon as my eyes are back on the road, I hear the same man's voice from earlier in my head saying, "You had to leave. You both would have died tonight the way I did." Tonight, I was supposed to be taking Leizel home. That's the way we always go.

I get home and I start to tell my mom the story. Before I get past the point where Lucy sent me home she stops me and says, "You weren't supposed to be on the road tonight. I know. I had a man tell me that to." Neither of us recognized the voice.

I honestly feel that that man was protecting me. I don't know why, because I've never met him. I don't even know his name. But my mom says he must hear me praying for him. I'm not the most religious, and I don't really know how everything works, but holy crap. No pun intended.

This blew my mind. I'm in shock. Thank you, Mr. Whoeveryouare.

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