Thursday, February 16, 2012

The minds of girls.

So, I don't know if girls are really this mysterious, or the boys I hang out with are just that stupid.

I guess things need clarification, so here I am to do so. (Most of these are requests.)

- The Friendzone; "Girls are always asking where the nice guys are, in the friend zone where you left them." or however that quote goes. Alllllllllllrighty boys, here's where you're wrong. That's where we leave the boring guys. Girls don't like guys who're nice 24/7. It gets annoying. That's NOT NOT NOT saying we want a douchebag, because truthfully, they suck too. Frankly, bad boys are sexy. Pussies are not. If we wanted a pussy, we'd be a lesbian. The perfect mix of bad boy to everyone else, but sweet to me is the sexiest thing ever. And by 'Perfect mix' I don't mean you act like the boy who has to fight everyone who looks at me. Mystery is sexy. If you're friendzoned, it's because you're either too nice, or too much of a douche. Or there's just no challenge. If you're always throwing yourself at us, there's no challenge. GIRLS LIKE A CHALLENGE. Y'guys gotta keep shit interesting.

- Why we play mindgames; there really isn't much explanation to this one. It's fucking fun. That's it. That's all there is to it. Guys are so simple minded sometimes, that it's amusing. Kind of like we're puppeteers and they're puppets. We honestly just do it for shits and giggles.

- Why we get hypocritical; guys are hypocritical sometimes too. Everyone is. It happens.

- Why we think all guys are terrible because of one guy; This isn't necessarily true. At least not for us smart girls. If you've been around for any of my relationships, it's common knowledge that I don't pick out that many winners. But I don't think ALL guys are bad. And if a girl does think all guys are bad because of one bad guy, they should be shot in the vagina.

- Why we like to be indirect; Fuck if I know. This is one mystery of the girl world I may never get. Some girls are retarded. I'll admit that I've done this, but now that I've grown into my common sense, I don't get it much. If you wanna say something to someone, just say it. Most of the time, the guy you're indirectly talking to ISN'T GOING TO GET IT. Or if they do get it, they're probably going to be insulted and question your IQ for not just straight up telling them. It's also going to get all the smart girls to roll their eyes at you. That's all that's gonna accomplish.

- Why most of us - especially the hot ones - think we're ugly; Simple. Low self esteem. Someone important somewhere down the line has probably brought us down. In my own personal experience, most days I can look at myself and know I'm not ugly. I'm pretty damn cute, actually. But sometimes, I just don't believe people when they say it. Enough people in my past have said bad things about me that it brought me down. It happens to all of us. I personally don't like how I look without my makeup and hair done. Some of my friends tell me I have natural beauty and stuff, and don't need it. But I like it. I don't think I NEED it to be attractive, I just think I'm much more attractive with it. Being all done up gives a girl more confidence. As for the girls who constantly whine and post captions on self-pictures saying "omg i'm ugly", I would like to shoot them in the vagina as well. You don't think it's an ugly picture of you, or you wouldn't have posted it on the internet. You're fishing for compliments, and you're retarded. Shutthefuckup. And it's dumb, because most of the girls who do that AREN'T EVEN UGLY. Fuckin' A.

- Why most girls are compulsive liars; because girls are bitches. But girls aren't the only liars, boys lie a lot too. Basically, dishonest people need to be shot in the vagina. And if they're a boy, they need to be shot until they have a vagina. Then shot in the vagina. And yes, this is my choice torture method of the week.

- "Why we decide to crush on boys when they're not into us, but the second they're into us, we don't like them anymore"; I'm not really sure what kind of girls you're kickin' it with, Twitch, but it sounds like you need better taste. But if you mean what I think you mean, it's cause there's no more challenge. Which, if you missed it earlier, girls like a challenge.

- The duck face/Fake orange tans; they want to be shot in the vagina.

- Why we go to the (public) bathroom in groups; I . . . I honestly have no answer for why we do this. I mean, I do it. I just don't know why.

Anyway, these are all the answers I got when I asked what people wanted explained. So, here it is. (I might have to post a part two tomorrow, depending on the replies I get from this.)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, girls go to the bathroom in groups to protect themselves! they don't want to get raped :P
