Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let me tell you bout my BEEEESSSSSFRENNNN

The beginning of my junior year, if you would have told me that I'd become very best friends with this girl (or told her the same about me) we both would have called you batshit insane.

But, as things turned out, that's precisely what happened. Let me tell you the story of us.

I first saw her in Geometry. She was across the room from me, and I thought she was a bitch. Then American History came 2nd period and I was like "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME." She annoyed the crap out of me, though I had no logical reason why.

Mid-November 2009, we got assigned a project together and had to exchange numbers. Like two nights later, my brother had concocted some weird story about why she hated him, and insisted that I text her and find out if it was true. The story he told me was so off the wall fucking weird that I just had to find out. So, I texted her.

I remember I was Christmas tree shopping during our first conversation. I was amazed how cool she was.

And basically, the rest has been history. We became inseperable, and we always will be.

Kelsey Jo Potter made Montana worth while. This girl's my best friend. And I'd be sosososo lost without her.

One of these days, I'm going to con her into moving to California and living with me.

I love you Kelsey Jo! You're the bestest :)

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