Friday, February 24, 2012

MY life, MY choices.

Last week, I made the decision to quit my job. I made this choice for a couple reasons. Mainly, I'm too stressed. You wouldn't think that Panda Express would be a stressful job, but you'd be wrong. It's very stressful, and it's really having a toll on my health. I have hypertension and insomnia and nutrient deficiency. None of which I had time when I could take care of myself. I. Need. To. Take. Care. Of. Myself. I absolutely ADORE some of my coworkers, don't get me wrong. But a lot of them are really hard to work with. Namely, Julio, Nana, Lucy, and Gustavo. I did not make it all the way through high school to be bullied as an adult. Honestly, I'm just not happy there anymore. Eddie, Lani and Jose are amazing people to work for, but I don't see them enough to make my job worth while. I just don't like it anymore. I wake up on days I have to go to work, and I'm in a bad mood. I don't like my job anymore. And I know, "sometimes you've got to do things you don't like." No, I don't. My life is too short to do things that make me unhappy. Call me childish if you please, but in the end, which one of us is gonna be happy with our endeavors? I am. I'll be happy and childish while you be grown up and miserable. I'm cool with that.

But the thing is, my mom's now freaking out. She's yelling at me nonstop about how "I had it so good!" and bullshit. It annoys me because she has no idea what it's like over there. Sure, she works next door. But no one's ever rude to me in front of her. So she thinks I'm imagining it or some crap, who knows. She even gave me the same shit about the doing things I don't like.

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. I'm not going to do things that make me unhappy. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but I'm quite alright with being happy.

Support me or don't, but I'm a big kid now, and I'm going to make choices because they're what will make me happy and healthy.

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