Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm spending the summer in Montana.

If I get another job, I'm quitting when schools out. . . Because I'll be spending the summer in Montana.

Lewistown kids, don't get super stoked just yet. I'll be in Ronan, which is over by kalispel.

My father was never around in my life. But his parents and brothers were. I feel like I need to get closer to that side of my family. I miss them a lot. I talk to my uncles on Facebook, but my grandparents are technologically impaired, so they don't even have a computer. I've never been good with phone calls, so we aren't as close as I'd like us to be.

Anyway, I decided I'm going to spend the summer with them. I might even go on a ride with my uncle Kirk, who's a semi driver. It seems like it'd be fun.

I still haven't talked the idea over with my grandparents or my mom, but we've been talking about me spending a summer there since I was a little kid. I wanna do it though.

So, I won't be spending the whole summer in Lewistown, though I will visit there quite often. At least one week a month I'll be there. And I'll definately be at the shake it for Kenzie.

I'll also be moving the date of mine closer to spring. I'm thinking mid may. That's still in the works though.

So, thats my plan. And I'm hopefully gonna do it. It feels good making this plan. :3

I wanna leave at the end of may, and come back in late August. I'm stoked. :D

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