Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Liking pictures on Facebook doesn't make you a good person.

I'm SO damn tired of my news feed being raped with these things;

1.) "Like for heaven, ignore for hell" / "Like for Jesus / ignore for Satan"
2.) "Like if you would answer" (Includes a fake iPhone screenshot of 'Jesus/God' calling.)
3.) "Like if you wish cancer didn't exist"
4.) "One like = one prayer!"
5.) "If you don't repost this horribly depressing picture, you're heartless!"
6.) (In the 'Most Beautiful Teen Contest') All the "Like if you think she's beautiful" pictures of cancer patients/ war vets with deformities caused by various things in the war.
7.) Actually, just ALL of that damn Most Beautiful Teen Contest.
8.) Joseph Kony.
9.) Treyvon Martin.
10.) People who obsess over telling you they're 90's kids.
And here is why!

1.) "Like for heaven, ignore for hell" / "Like for Jesus / ignore for Satan"
So there's a way to count the number of votes for Jesus/Heaven, but not for Satan/Hell. Say a person with 700 friends reposts it. And 10 of there friends like it, but the other 690 ignore it. So that's ten votes for Heaven/Jesus, but 690 for Hell/Satan. Sorry, but looks like Hell and Satan win that round.

2.) "Like if you would answer" (Includes a fake iPhone screenshot of 'Jesus/God' calling.)
Why the fuck would Jesus call you? He's telepathic. Plus, with how many Jesus freaks there are out there, if his phone number got leaked, it would end with more calls than if a celebs phone number got leaked. Shit would get CRAAAAAY!!

3.) "Like if you wish cancer didn't exist"
Uhm. . . are there people who are happy cancer exists? Because y'know, call me crazy, but I kinda thought it went without saying that we all wished cancer didn't exist.

4.) "One like = one prayer!"
Uhm, no. One like equals one like. One prayer equals one prayer. Completely different things. That's like saying one Cheezit = one Dr. Pepper. (that's what I'm eating and drinking right now.) And if I were to say that, people would be like "Are you stupid? Cheezits and Dr. Pepper are TOTALLY DIFFERENT." That's precisely my point. You can like and pray, just like I can have cheezits and Dr. Pepper. But they're not interchangeable.

5.) "If you don't repost this horribly depressing picture, you're heartless!" 
Uh, no. More like "If you laugh or get pleasure out of this horribly depressing picture, you're heartless." I have a heart, and I use it to not depress the fuck out of everyone in my life. No one wants to log into Facebook and see depressing pictures!! And if you do, you've got issues.

6.) (In the 'Most Beautiful Teen Contest') All the "Like if you think she's beautiful" pictures of cancer patients/ war vets with deformities caused by various things in the war.
The only reason you're liking these pictures, is because you think you look like a good person. Using death or diseases to get sympathy to win some stupid internet contest is sickening.

7.) Actually, just ALL of that damn Most Beautiful Teen Contest.
Why do people care so much what strangers on the internet think of them...? Is your life so pitiful that that actually matters to you? Get some self esteem, please.

8.) Joseph Kony.
HE ISN'T EVEN IN UGANDA. Half the people who claim to care about this shit couldn't even tell you where Uganda IS. But, hey look. He wasn't captured, and people STOPPED CARING. It was just a fad, and everyone who bought into it is stupid.

9.) Treyvon Martin;
Yes, it's sad. Very sad that he died. But the fact of the matter is, we DON'T know if he was innocently just walking. He had to have said something that provoked Zimmerman. I didn't say he's a saint, but he probably wasn't totally innocent either. The only reason you guys are making such a big deal out of this is because a white/mexican guy shot a black guy. It's all race.

10.)  People who obsess over telling you they're 90's kids.
NO ONE CARES. You know how many people were born in the timespan of ten years? You're not fucking special.

1 comment:

  1. YOU'RE A FUCKING RACIST BECAUSE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT TRAYVON. Or at least that's what I was told. :P
    But seriously, I do agree with this all, because fuck all of it. I actually have a website designed specifically for depressing/death/diseases, so I don't wanna come on facebook and see that shit.
    P.S. computer Broke, and this is Brad, anonymously. xD
